Multimedia Space is an alternative to the traditional western seating posture, which is strongly connected to the chair & table. People in today’s society spend hours passively seated; on a chair, in a sofa, in a car... We forget to listen to our body. Multimedia Space is there to stimulate you finding a dynamic posture while reading, writing, surfing on the web, doing homework, playing, watching television... As they say: The next posture is always the best posture.
The upholstered carpet can be folded as an extra bed for your child’s friend who stays over night or as a temporary sofa for the crowded bachelor. The cushions and carpet are upholstered with firm foam that supports a full-grown body as well as a child’s. Multimedia Space is made of 100% woollen felt & the c-table is made of laminated wood. Natural materials offer a safe and relaxing tactile experience.
Manufactured by Designuniverse of Scandinavia, limited edition.